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Thursday, April 17, 2008

They Need To Share Your Food

">"> They Need to Share Your FoodThere is serious that the development is not just those who are hungry, but all of us. Food is becoming too expensive and food riots are spreading. There were riots tortillas Mexico, when the price of grain has become unaffordable that can be repeated. Most countries have been able to feed their own but it is feared that the forces of unfed come beyond the borders to eat. If this happens with food battle to prevent hunger. Supermarkets will be forced to put armed guards in front of their doors and refrigerators will be padlocked. There are riots going on at the moment in Haiti where government was overthrown. Nobody can predict the future costs of grain or rice. many say it will double in price over the next months.Over a billion Chinese are now eating meat products which are fed grain. This situation is due to an increase in their standard of living. They grow very little grains are more than eighty percent of all meat consumed in China is i! mported. It is one of the causes of the shortage of grain worldwide. The Chinese people have the right to eat as much meat they can afford. It would be ridiculous to ask them to curb their appetite for reasons of hunger in other countries. we must seek solution.The rise in oil prices is the main cause of the rising costs of grain. harvesters and trucks which use oil must pass on the added costs. a loaf of bread can not be sold for one dollar when it costs two to produce. Hunger must eat, but if they cannot afford to buy bread, which will pay to feed them? The best solution is to decrease the price of oil which will bring down the cost of grain production . This would bring to a halt throughout the World hunger.There were many famines where millions died of starvation. Ukraine has suffered from a man made famine less than seventy five years ago, where more than a million died of starvation. But in the era of news coverage worldwide of this type of tragedy is difficult to acc! ept. lot of people would feel guilty watching a television doc! umentary showing people are struggling for a bag of rice. But most do just eat and be happy that their refrigerator is well stocked. The big question is: Would you be willing to share your food with the worlds hungry? If the answer is " NO ", we will have to put a lock on our fridge.melpolBy: melpolArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comwww.associatedcontent.com/melpol

By: melpol

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com




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