Alan Keyes Presidential Bid
">"> Alan Keyes Presidential BidI have read some of the most disturbing facts about John McCain detailing his support for gay marriage. I have had concerns about his position very weak on illegal immigration. As such I have to at least seriously consider the third party presidential bid of former Ambassador Alan Keys.Consider that the three candidates from the current president to support gay marriage and the two Democrats (Clinton and Obama), it is strongly pro - abortion. This is a real dilemma for Christian voters who believe that the scripture is the inspired word of God. Ambassador Alan Keys, a distinguished scholar, Christians now offers a real opportunity to elect our first black president without selling our Christian values. I urge everyone to make this great African-American candidate, a true American patriot, a brilliant man, and a committed Christian who remains true to his faith an opportunity to be our next president. Listen to his wisdom and give serious consi! deration.In Alan Keyes can actually have someone who is worthy and deserving of being a Christian voice, someone who will not force us to abandon the principles of our Christian faith, when we belonged to the vote.My loyalty My country, my family and my Christian convictions, not the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. order to support the candidacy of John McCain seems increasingly as a betrayal of these values. vote for Senator Clinton or Obama absolutely betray those values.Alan Keyes has already made it clear that the Republican Party base is not worthy of his time and energy longer. Therefore, I am at least considering supporting his candidacy third. It goes is the designation of the Constitution has always growing. It is a party with the system Christan values. It is by no means extreme in his conservative philosophy. The Constitution Party has no problem in approving the African-American gentleman like Alan Keyes to their choice for the presidency of the Untied! States.I can hear some of you that you call "Republican" grow! ls alrea dy ... You may be saying that he has not a chance to win and further ensure the likelihood of a Democratic victory. If so, so be it. At least I can sleep at night. one day I will have to stand before my maker when He asks you if I always did what I knew to be right. In my view that is not only important, it is vital to salvation.I can no longer apply a principle of the utility in elections allowing elites in Washington or elsewhere to dangle carrots in front of my face with the promises that are never kept. Can not vote for Bush, Dole, a Ford, or Nixon that will keep me calm with rhetoric to get my vote, and then laugh at me when we share ways. I can not vote for the Democrats morally repugnant that never saw a sin that they would not embrace, the moral perversion not to report as normal, or embrace the killing of innocent people and the poorest among us, the unborn child - and call it legitimate "choice." Sometimes, the parties must realign and redefine themselves same. Pol! itics is not a team sport ... it is spiritual and intellectual combat. I have not been disloyal to the two major political parties, they have both been disloyal to me and person ' other embracing Christianity and common decency.The "collective will" speech John McCain is a betrayal of conservatives. Me too, I believe in the unity compromised. I am also a blatant and unashamed flag waving patriot and combat veteran. I also want to bring our country together. But I refuse to desert my God and Christian morality and fabric that defines me as a person in the house. Should we abandon our principles Christians to elect one of these candidates with the exception of Alan Keyes, which could be the beginning of the end of our country. It could very well mean we have always defended damnation.I if convicted. Surely some will think that this is a bad policy move, but I have little doubt that the Christian right move. U.S. policy is greater than any person I can be at ease with this dec! ision.I met Alan Keys, once again listen and speak at a conven! tion in San Antonio. It was riveting, exciting, motivate and inspire fear. whom I admire. I urge others to check him. Je think they will be happy if do.By: Ed CoetArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comAuthor/Poet Biographical information: Ed Coet is an army officer retired U.S. professional and educator. He aninternationally widely published freelance writer and poet. Ed has published numerous articles on various subjects. Her stories have been published in Bewildering Stories, Tales Scribal, Muscadine Lines - A Southern Journal, and Scars Publications. His poems were published in Purple Dream Ezine, Solder Works Magazine, Children, Churches & Daddies Magazine, a publication Scars, Steller Showcase Journal, Journal Both Sides Now, Because We Write Magazine, Lost Beat Poetry Journal, Cynic Magazine, Fullosia Press, Blue Fog Journal poetry, poetic diversity magazine , the Huffington Post, Raven Publishing, Inc. Muscadine Lines, A Southern Journal, rose mouse pub Poetry Jou! rnal, Osprey newspaper, poetry cemetery, Hudson Valley poetry and Masque Publishing Digest - Decanto Magazine. Ed Coet anthology of the poetry of the following items: Namaste Fiji - The International Anthology of Poetry Book "Breaking Silences" Poetry Book Collection 2007, the scars Poetry Book Collection - On The Poets and Poetry Digest Book "A Hudson View International Collection - Winter 2008." ; Visit with Ed Coet to "blog" Coet
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Author/Poet Biographical Sketch: Ed Coet is a retired US Army officer and professional educator. He is a widely published freelance writer and aninternationally recognized poet. Ed has had numerous articles publishe! d on a variety of topics. His short stories were published in ! Bewilder ing Stories, Scribal Tales, Muscadine Lines A Southern Journal, and Scars Publications. His poems have been published in Purple Dream Ezine, Solder Works Magazine, Children, Churches & Daddies Magazine, Scars Publication, Steller Showcase Journal, Both Sides Now Journal, Because We Write Magazine, Lost Beat Poetry Journal, Cynic Magazine, Fullosia Press, Blue Fog Poetry Journal, Poetic Diversity Magazine,The Huffington Post, Raven Publishing, Inc., Muscadine Lines, A Southern Journal, Pink Mouse Pub Poetry Journal, Osprey Journal, Poetry Cemetery, Hudson Valley Poetry Digest, and Masque Publishing Decanto Magazine. Ed Coet's poetry anthology credits include: Namaste Fiji The International Anthology of Poetry Book, The "Breaking Silences" Poetry Book Collection, the 2007 Scars Poetry Collection Book - We The Poet's, and the Poetry Digest Book "A Hudson View International Collection - Winter 2008." Visit with Ed Coet at "The Coet Blog" at
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