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Friday, April 25, 2008

Protect Our Oil Supply

">"> Protecting our oil SupplyThe operating costs America grew by rising oil prices. Trucks that ship food across the country to pay more for diesel. This means that consumers will pay higher prices for food . Maintaining a warm welcome in winter, cool in summer, now costs more money. And these costs are also underway. Fill a twenty gallons automobile tank soon cost eighty dollars. People are getting angry and they want our government to do something. This is what the war in Iraq is about.It not take a financial wizard to know what will happen to the U.S. economy and its people if oil prices the rising much further. We would experience that inflation has never been seen before. Our dollars buy a lot less food and our heating and cooling will become unaffordable. Bicycles will be used by workers who could not not afford the expenses to travel to their work. It sounds like a nightmare, but all these problems and many more will happen if energy costs keep rising.The countries i! n the Middle East are sitting on more than half of proven oil reserves, fortunately it is controlled by fair minds of business people who keep the oil price as low as possible. But if these oil supplies never fall into the hands of politicians radical they could charge as much as they can to get the oil. It would be radical politicians rich and destroy the economies of the rest of the world. That would be bad news and it should not be allowed to happen.Radical Arab politicians call for unity. They want to establish an Iranian empire that would encompass the rich countries of Middle East oil. Only a fool can be blind to their motivations. They promise the weakness of their followers riches beyond their dreams craziest. They say it would be possible if they could be owners of oil fields. They are liars because if successful, these politicians will follow their Arab brothers who keep the billions of oil profits for themselves. The poor remain poor.It is the duty of world leade! rs to prevent the oil fields in the Middle East from falling i! nto the hands of politicians radicals. If they let that happen, they are neglecting their responsibilities to the people . There are those who say we should leave the area and let politicians radicals take possession of oil fields. I am sure that our wise leaders never let that happen. We must be prepared to stay in the area until that the price of oil is sure to be affordable.melpolBy: melpolArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comwww.associatedcontent.com/melpol

By: melpol

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com


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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2012 Doomsday

">"> 2012 DoomsdayWorld enslavement and government belief SystemsSheltered Designed under the veil of deception that the truth has remained dormant for so many decades, is now under from the arena of secrecy at a rate enormous. And much of them are ultimately undermine the authority that rules over them and the way back humanity has functioned as a whole. Other examine the reasoning behind all the madness while protesting their rights the fight against corruption, greed and poverty. And the rest simply wallow in their fear based on the existence in the grip of debt because for them there is no way out. What we raises troubling apprehensiveness in our achieving an important factor here. We are the only species on this planet that has become so disorganized and failures in regard to our ways of doing things and evolve as human beings we can not ignore their instincts inside longer. Is this really who we are and what we are doing our real objective of being here? "No, it is not! . illusion, as we see it was strategically designed and has become so vast and diverting slipped through not only the conscience of humanity itself, it has escaped the perception of everyone who falls within the power of corruption and darkness. Thus, madness behind their methods keeps the elites of this power which belongs to any realization that they are 3 Dimensional disturbed.The physical world in which we live is part of this great illusion with premeditation and consistent with separate disappointments, fronts or groups . This method is used to prevent humanity to see the real link between them all so they can pretend as if they were conducting their affairs separately and have humanity believe. As a result The illusion alive.They "re objectives are carefully planned with subtlety and are made in stages so as not to create conflict and suspicion in the beliefs of humanity. This prevents us from seeing the changes as hidden occur in our world and in new laws. In additi! on to the effects of these changes on our lives are also subtl! e becaus e of this staging process.They 're still lives above the stage of human experience, because they exist in a secret Covenant absolute power generation after generation. They cooperate and work together and remain bound by blood and secrecy. And death comes to those who reveal their dark secret or challenge families directly.Their never socialize or mate with humanity in order to keep their blood pure and evil. In essence they control all aspects of our lives by telling us what they think, how to think and what to do. Withdrawn knowledge and TechnologyThe program system education was also designed by them solely in order to teach us history as they want us to see it not as it really happened. besides, we are conditioned from day one that we must move twelve to fifteen years of our children in the school system, a system which is nothing more than a system of beliefs based on false information and history. The system was designed to condition us while young to submissively foll! ow other belief systems that we mature as money, taxation, labour and punish corruption laws.They our true origins, our telepathic capabilities and that our thoughts may occur and that form 3D world that we live longer, the concept of we humans are linked spiritually and the existence and exercise of our mental capacities while children are never taught in schools either.To replace this information, they developed a different system of belief as understood by all religions. This system creates a revised process of human thought, which is simple within our mind making us totally dependent on the rise in spirits or gods who do not exist in the sense we have been led to believe. He also falsified our true origin. This ingenious method of brainwashing and total control had great success among the masses. However, there is always a few who did see through veil of deception in their quest for control truth.Population when they feel the need to take place throughout the genocide i! n the wars they create, famine and biological warfare. further! more, th e life expectancy of 'humanity are kept short and their minds are hindered and weak. They do all this while humanity convince them that they do the opposite. Another form of population control is a manipulation by the weather 'intermediary of the technology we seem ignorant to.They have profound knowledge of science and technology However, it is removed from humanity as a whole to maintain their control. However, it is exposed to the tracks over time and subtle ways that we believe that we are naturally when developments in essence, the technology is given to these other forms of life on earth in exchange for the allocation of research on the Man pursued by the abduction. They use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in the air and water that humanity with blankets poisonous toxins. The soft metals cause many people to lose their spirit by 'intermediary schizophrenia, mental illness and retardation and the creation of criminal minds that the rape and murder. From al! l this, babies are stillborn and children are susceptible to wrong diagnosis of non-existing diseases such as autism, Alzheimer's disease and ADHD when it is toxic poisons that affect their behavior. Also the information behind the cause of these inflictions is once again the abolition of humanity.Disease and promises MedicinesThey're to find treatments are fed to humanity but they continue to poison and create disease. donations to fund research for drugs are used to create disease rather than cure. These toxic substances are absorbed through our skin and mouth and are merged in secret in the air we breathe, the food we eat, liquids we drink and the clothes we wear. They are ingenious methods on how they disperse some of these poisons are done in secret or with the lessons that these poisons that are desirable given names are harmless and / or a good thing for us.'s products are used in films and are driven by the marketing of music colored by the media and celebrity perso! nal to inculcate this belief.Humanity get used to this form of! decepti on from birth and never know the true nature behind all this madness. When we give birth They inject poisons in our blood children through vaccination informing us that it is wrong for our own health, because after all vaccinations prevent diseases them.They not cause the manufacture billions of dollars of junk candy, candy and gum to target children and adults. These ingredients in products are nothing more than sugar and chemicals. This practice causes tooth decay which, of course, is determined by Soft metal and other type of filling that impede the health and l 'spirit alike.When our ability to learn is affected us are diagnosed with this non-existing disease as the syndrome of learning and is treated by the very drugs they create to make us sick cause other diseases for which they again create more medicines and drugs. They make us docile mentally and physically to the point where many can not or simply do not have the desire to think for themselves.Money and system wor! k and why it was DesignedThere millions of products made unnecessary, year after year, throughout our entire lives beside the famous brainwashing television, the mother of all products. Oh, of course, for any reason We are constantly in need of it unnecessary. Shops are set out strategy for ultimate comfort with staff to answer any questions. Ask a question to find the product, take a pill to rid the pain, take medication to relieve symptoms and see a doctor to treat our physical tiredness-the list is long and on.We work for them and 40 hours work week was invented in order to enable them to prosper from our efforts and work well ways. They steal our pay checks through the imposition of taxes hidden and instilling false beliefs that we give assistance in a production company where the money is used for purposes you never know . They manipulate the economy to cause debt, suffering and bankruptcy. Prices are subject to increase continuously as an endless cycle, while our sala! ries slave take years and years to take account of these infla! tion, an other control.Our ingenious form of vehicles are produced from gas and oil reserves while the technology that can produce free gas vehicles is deleted. Our homes are designed to be dependent on their electrical system through profitable electric lines, etc., whereas the Earth's magnetic field of energy can provide the world with free energy. But again, this type of resource would not be profitable for them would it now. And Control masses by these methods is the most powerful and profitable.They literally own the planet, this planet and we were all born the same is now a prison planet. Imprisoned by this system, we have never had time to really think , Do not connect with our inner self, with each other and we have simply forgotten how to use our minds, our telepathy and our spiritual capacities. This entire monetary system has proved to be a great success programmed lifestyle designed just for us slaves and we have foolishly followed generation after generation, just as we ! have been conditioned. And the irony is that we are brainwashed or taught to believe that this corrupt system back is the only how to survive in an order as a species on this planet. This system is very bad and yet we continue to believe it. Media controlled, violence and sexual DistractionsWe live within constant distraction of the birth that we adapt bombing marketing; subliminal messaging; mind control; tracking devices; negative global wars, disease and murder. And the flow of such information is controlled by the media, media owned by them. Furthermore, we are subjected to a constant for the Advancement of fornication, sex, violence and games, which prevents us from printing or connect with each other in the way we were destined. Materialism and sex has become a disease and spread throughout the world at a huge rate as the technology that was previously hidden deviantART is introduced to us in pieces to keep us wanting more and more purchase, keep our minds occupied by! the simplest. Movies have been for us a very enjoyable form o! f entert ainment but do not be fooled. As much as we all love our films, they are part of this mass packaging films for children, films for adults and pornography on the Internet. And behind the curtain of these scenes from movies and entertainment Web sites are integrated subliminal text targeted to all age groups still naked to the human eye. But not bare that our subconscious Of course, what we see and read files from childhood.This helps shape our personality, tastes and desires throughout our lives in order to comply with their systems almost naturally, a process very worrying. Furthermore, many on many films seem to rely on the same ground lines such as violence, sex, organized crime; aliens; kidnapping, disease and war. When we as a society as a whole are conditioned to these things, we accept in our lives, our thoughts and for many in their actions. After all, we grew up believing these forms of human creation are natural correct? This is far from the truth.The Benefits HateT! hey of racism and direct our intentions with intelligence while cleverly deceive us into believing the direction we are ourselves. Hostility between us through our groups, religions and nationalities is created and which in turn , Provokes anger and violence, their ally, which serves again to us blind. They are able to give the impression that we are not equal skin colour is just another illusion. And the line during this snowball affect people commit crimes to destroy their credibility in society. A healthy human beings, by nature, is not violent. But they continue to thrive in our work, our wars and our dead and repeat this several times until ultimate objective is well done, a new world order by 2012.The sustaining life in fear and debt also serves its purpose, as he finally breaks the human spirit , And imbalances invades the bodies natural energy made many frequencies weak or sick mentally and physically, another form of control. Tools to understand the spirit of that ! control all forms of evil, images, sounds and Energy waves set! tlement based on fear of disturbing thoughts and our frequencies. They use all the tools they have to be done and these are the tools provided to them by a lifetime of hard work, our skills and our intelligence. The final product of this corruption is the hatred between them and ourselves with the intent to disconnect us from each other, a great success endeavour.Who are we, where do we come from and why are we here? However, since May this amazing sound, as a whole, we are much more powerful, they are like a small elite group. And in regards to our mental and spiritual capacities we can eliminate fear, corruption and poverty. We have the ability to maintain and heal our own body without chemical drugs. But unfortunately they were able to remove this valuable information from us too. Thus, after generations we have simply forgotten.The fact that we are energy beings who live many lives in different forms in different times and dimensions May we have not originate on this planet afte! r all. Establishment of life has always existed discredit so-called Big Bang Theory. ago thousands and thousands of forms of life throughout our Milky Way alone. And our genetic history is connected to other forms of life. Concealment of divine truth from us a battle was underway, but a success . The fact that we are all one, that we are all beings of energy from a source and spiritually connected allows the power to control our own life here, to control our thoughts and our minds and how we we are supposed to. This is a learning process that we choose to experience before birth.We are able to express our own environment, our own reality while living in the physical world in 3D we call earth. Our thoughts are energy that manifests itself in the matter. The fear thoughts in terms of violence, poverty and pollution ultimately manifest a reality in all this. But they conceal this precious knowledge with the laws of the 'universe and how our thoughts can alone a clear and harmo! nious world free of corruption. Then again such a world would ! not be p rofitable for them is the it.Our decrease FreedomOur spirit that belong to them and we do what gullibly they say that we have confidence in their judgement and leadership. And to ensure that trust and obedience they find ways to change the spirit of implementing technology in our lives to maintain our level of awareness about their use lowest.They fear as a weapon of control, and set up oppositions within their discussions when in reality they are all on the same side. In essence, the voting system is designed to benefit their own interests. They always hide their goals but plans are still slow out.The plunder of our lands, resources and wealth while trompe humanity by accepting the laws is another form of control, control of our individual freedom. When we ban together in peaceful protest They plant agents provoke a violent disturbance which justified the police intervention and arrests. We are then accused of crimes over which they have another story to the world through t! he media controlled by themselves. When we raise to them, they bring us back down and we put in our place pretty quickly because we are regarded as inferior and feelings of powerlessness are created. Many of them are recruited us to carry out their plans for their promises eternal life. But they will never have because this is also an illusion. These people are called initiates and are trained to believe or false offers of rights of way on the rise kingdoms. Members of these groups gullibly believe they are protected by their never know the truth that insiders will turn against them. They are rewarded with titles and earthly goods never see the light or move towards the immortal beings they are, that we all are.We as a whole group must wake up and be freed from prison planet we are now chained to. We must liberate themselves spiritually and re-activate our awareness l 'experience of our physical world the way we expected. We must draw upon our own internal, our mental capac! ities and to each other. We must refocus our thoughts away fro! m fear, negative news, violence and pornography . Re-emphasizing the positive, compassion and love between us break down the barriers mental and physical elites and their foreign allies have more us.The Laws of Attraction through the thoughts of the masses is so much more powerful among us can understand what our minds have been programmed not to. Learning through our own research on the powers of thought, Laws of attraction, Affirmations The Awakening positive and we can re-educate ourselves with the truth about who we really are and re-program our minds to what they should be.Manifesting own our world, our own laws and our own life support system must be in harmony with nature and ourselves if we learn anything in order to evolve as the spiritual beings that we are. Together, we are divided ... But we will all fall.Kellie Hastings Copyright 2008By: Kellie M HastingsArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comVideo economic slavery by debt and stupidity + Choose along freedom! with government and the secret black Alliance video also search Zeigeist Moviewww.youtube.com / watch? V = Lee0zAWdl_4 & = Feature relateddwww.youtube.com / watch? SZEJzw5WCBo & v = NR = 1For shocking facts regarding the food industry, genetic engineering and the horrific conditions of livestock www.discovery-health.org

By: Kellie M Hastings

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Video Economic Enslavement by Debt & Stupidity + Choose Freedom along with Government and the Secret Black Alliance video also search Zeigeist Moviewww.youtube.com/watch?v=Lee0zAWdl_4&feature=relateddwww.youtube.com/watch?v=sZEJzw5WCBo&NR=1For shoc! king fac ts regarding the food industry, Genetic Engineering and the horrible conditions of Factory Farming www.discovery-health.org

Small Business

Monday, April 21, 2008

G8 calls for swift release of Zimbabwe poll results

">"> G8 Calls For Release Of Swift Zimbabwe Poll ResultsHARARE (AFP) - The foreign ministers of the Group of Eight major countries Thursday called for the speedy release of the results of Zimbabwe's presidential polls challenged, condemning the recent acts of violence there.The ministers of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States urged a "timely, credible and truly democratic resolution of this situation in accordance with the wishes of the people of Zimbabwe" ;. In a joint statement issued by Japan, the current chairman of the G8, the ministers called in the wake of the presidential election "to be released promptly and in accordance with due process of law." Police Zimbabwe cracked down on supporters of the opposition to a general strike fizzled out on Wednesday, while the doctors said they had treated more than 150 victims of the post-election political beatings.In New York meanwhile, secretary General of the United Nations Ban ki-moon! warned that the crisis could have implications for democracy throughout Africa.President Robert Mugabe security forces reduced their presence in the capital Harare because it is clear the strike had failed, but not before they arrested 56 people for what they said public order. "They arrested a large number of people, more than 50, mostly staff members of the MDC, including a member of parliament, "Nelson Chamisa, a spokesman for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), told AFP." We do not know why they were arrested. There is no Crime staying away (from work). crime is the one being committed by the ZEC (the electoral commission), which is withholding the results, "Chamisa said.The MDC had called on its supporters to stay off work from Tuesday until the outcome of the presidential election on March 29 was announced, after his legal bid to flush results was rejected by the courts.With result of the presidential always no more two weeks after the vote, the cris! is became more and more attention to the crisis overshadowed a! field.Th e Security Council UN talks on closer cooperation with the African Union. Ban told its members: "The credibility of the democratic process in Africa could be at stake here." If there is a second round of elections, they must be conducted in a fair and transparent manner, with international observers, "he added . With an unemployment rate of over 80 percent and even the most basic foodstuffs only available on the black market, few workers could afford to take into account the opposition of the general strike-call.Anti Riot police were conspicuously absent from the streets on Wednesday, while traffic flowed Without being hampered by the roadblocks that had dotted the capital on the opening day of the strike.The magnitude of the problems the country was highlighted by new inflation figures for the month of February which brought the annual rate to nearly 165,000 percent, an increase of 100,000 percent the month Before.Tensions steadily mounting in the southern African country, ! the more delayed results of last month's presidential election.The opposition said two of its members were killed by supporters of Mugabe at the weekend in the politically motivated murders, while doctors said they had treated 157 patients who had been beaten and tortured since the poll. "One third of the patients are women, including a 15-year-old girl who was abducted with her mother at her home, was lying on his forehead and struck on the buttocks, "a statement said." Her mother, who is pregnant, was also beaten. both mother and daughter required hospital admission. "the group said half of the 30 patients were remains hospitalized in the Mudzi stronghold of the opposition, north-east of the Mugabe capital.Diplomatic sources told AFP that the so-called war veterans and other loyal supporters of his ruling ZANU - PF party was under way, targeting certain sectors of opposition to intimidation and beatings.In further unrest, an agricultural union said more than 130 white far! mers had been Driven from their land by Mugabe supporters, and! around 30 had not been able to return to their farms.At UN Ban - supported by some Western countries - urged southern African leaders to take "decisive steps" to end the crisis in Zimbabwe, Says l 'world organization stands ready to help. "We are seriously concerned by the escalation of politically motivated violence perpetrated by (Zimbabwe) security forces and the militia of the ruling party," American Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad told the gathering.Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was beaten 84 Years claims Mugabe farm in the presidential battle, but the ruling party said neither man won an overwhelming victory and insisted on a runoff will be necessary. "Nobody believes that, given the results polling stations, that President Mugabe Won these elections, "the prime minister Gordon Brown of the former colonial power Britain told the Security Council UN meeting.Tsvangirai had earlier ruled out its participation in a second round of ballot, but back-pedalled from that position on! Tuesday, indicating that it would be competitive if international observers were allowed to monitor this .--- By AFPBy: CDVSTestArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard . comCDVirtual services data entry test.

By: CDVSTest

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

CDVirtual Services Data Entry Test Account.

Multiple Sclerosis

Thursday, April 17, 2008

They Need To Share Your Food

">"> They Need to Share Your FoodThere is serious that the development is not just those who are hungry, but all of us. Food is becoming too expensive and food riots are spreading. There were riots tortillas Mexico, when the price of grain has become unaffordable that can be repeated. Most countries have been able to feed their own but it is feared that the forces of unfed come beyond the borders to eat. If this happens with food battle to prevent hunger. Supermarkets will be forced to put armed guards in front of their doors and refrigerators will be padlocked. There are riots going on at the moment in Haiti where government was overthrown. Nobody can predict the future costs of grain or rice. many say it will double in price over the next months.Over a billion Chinese are now eating meat products which are fed grain. This situation is due to an increase in their standard of living. They grow very little grains are more than eighty percent of all meat consumed in China is i! mported. It is one of the causes of the shortage of grain worldwide. The Chinese people have the right to eat as much meat they can afford. It would be ridiculous to ask them to curb their appetite for reasons of hunger in other countries. we must seek solution.The rise in oil prices is the main cause of the rising costs of grain. harvesters and trucks which use oil must pass on the added costs. a loaf of bread can not be sold for one dollar when it costs two to produce. Hunger must eat, but if they cannot afford to buy bread, which will pay to feed them? The best solution is to decrease the price of oil which will bring down the cost of grain production . This would bring to a halt throughout the World hunger.There were many famines where millions died of starvation. Ukraine has suffered from a man made famine less than seventy five years ago, where more than a million died of starvation. But in the era of news coverage worldwide of this type of tragedy is difficult to acc! ept. lot of people would feel guilty watching a television doc! umentary showing people are struggling for a bag of rice. But most do just eat and be happy that their refrigerator is well stocked. The big question is: Would you be willing to share your food with the worlds hungry? If the answer is " NO ", we will have to put a lock on our fridge.melpolBy: melpolArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comwww.associatedcontent.com/melpol

By: melpol

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Current Issues with the Global Economy

">"> Current Issues With The Global EconomyThough the housing bubble deflated about two years ago, whose real effects are only beginning to emerge. 2006, when the economy began to show signs of weakness in the market Housing, most economists predicted a recession which was highly unlikely, and that any fall in house prices would be localized and sweet. Actually, a slowdown in the world economy today is a real threat, with the final price of the credit crunch is expected to exceed $ 1 trillion dollars. not only the drop in property prices have in the United States spread to other markets abroad, they have helped massive losses in other areas such as loans and credit card statements, and the financial sector, which is now shaken by the American government bailout of Bear Stearns. What does this mean for emerging economies like China and India? In the short term, the instability appears to be on the agenda, with India, the young exchanges rocked by jittery investors. until fina! ncial centers and investors may return confidence, the market conditions are exaggerated. Early trading also plays a psychological role for investors, as the impact of new developments in Asia before Wall Street opens. The United States and the United Kingdom deal with the difficult times of home pricing corrections will continue to hamper growth. Most of the owners are waiting, if not to make a profit, not to sell their house at a loss, which is hard to swallow. Et if they can not sell their homes for what they think they are worth, then waiting it out helps to lower prices, thus exacerbating the problem. While government intervention has been exceptionally forthcoming in efforts to build confidence in the financial markets, less attention has been paid to the beneficial owners who are on the course of the next year, which is only so low because of the strong growth in Asia. Another prospect looming over every government is the spectre of inflation that threatens to exceed! the slowdown in the economy as the number one priority for th! e Federa l Reserve and other central banks, which have had to take extreme measures to prevent further loss of liquidity. The Fed has sold more than $ 100 billion in auctions and lowered interest rates five times in an attempt to lower mortgage interest rates, but confidence remains fragile until that the full extent of the investment bank of the first under-exposure is achieved. Caught between a rock and a hard place, the central banks are taking decisive steps in the hope that the economy will stabilise without pushing l inflation at levels.By dangerous: Dane SmithArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comKi works as a real estate agent in Austin. He runs a real estate site on Austin, which provides a free search of the MLS and a mortgage Austin without a calculator.

By: Dane Smith

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Ki works as a realtor in Austin. He runs a site about Austin real estate which provides a free search of the Austin MLS and a free mortgage calculator.

Stock Market

Monday, April 14, 2008

Iraq War Could Expand Into Iran By Election Day

quiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> 502 Server Error

By: James William Smith

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

James William Smith has worked in senior management positions for some of the largest financial services firms in the United States for the last twenty five years. He has also provided business consulting support for insurance organizations and start up businesses. Mr. Smith has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Boston College. He enjoys writing articles on political, national, and world events. Visit his website at www.eworldvu.com

Email Marketing

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Innovative Equipment Transforms Soldiers into Land Warriors

">"> Innovative Equipment Transforms Into Land WarriorsRecently soldiers, the American military has equipped team leaders in the legendary 4 / 9 Infantry Land Warrior with new devices for use on the battlefield. Gear, in the 15 years development, is a system of devices intended to increase the awareness of a soldier, mobility and combat effectiveness. The trial was such a success that 1000 additional Land Warrior kits were requested. Land Warrior is an integrated combat system for the infantry, which gives troops improved tactical awareness, lethality and survivability. Whole kit includes a weapons system, helmet, computer, digital and voice communications, System navigation and positioning, personal protective clothing and equipment. Soldiers wearing a vest that contains a computer system, battery power for all integrated components and a global positioning system (GPS). jacket also includes a breakthrough for radio communications. 4.5-A book provides a protective helmet an! d is equipped with the active part of the communication system (for transmit and receive information). Helmet is also a head of display (HMD) recounts the 'dominant eye of the soldier, which can be used to view the video, infrared image, and satellite or topographical maps. soldier wears a gun under with interactive controls that is connected to the computer. Despite all his potential benefits, the Land Warrior system has had a tumultuous history. After half a billion dollars has been spent on creating and improving the system in a decade, testing revealed that the material was simply too big for a practical application in the war. With a weight of about 16 pounds, most of the soldiers seemed to believe the train had a lineage rather than an advantage. Funding has been cut for the project last year, but in a certain way the Land Warrior kits finished in the hands of the 4 / 9 on the infantry in Iraq. After using the device, the 4 / 9 makes suggestions for changes that decre! ased the weight of 'equipment up to 10 pounds. With the upgrad! es and p ositive comments from the military, the Land Warrior project now appears to be back in action with the army to seek additional funding in order to test equipment. But with the efficiency of the Land Warrior system still in question, it remains to be seen what the future holds for this army of innovation. while recent tests have breathed new life into Land Warrior, is still officially a cancellation programme of the army in the eyes. "As such, it is uncertain if the program will receive the $ 102 million needed to the field and test the equipment. however, the equipment should find a way to continue developing, it may eventually provide a way to digitize the battlefield for soldiers - by making communication clearer and provide a better visualization of soldiers of their environment. If soldiers are in an unfamiliar The Land Warrior system could help quickly locate the enemy or to connect with other soldiers. course, it is simply that the stipulation Land Warrior system could! do. Currently, the system remains one of the many interesting ideas sitting in military limbo.By: Shad ConnellyArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comnews.inventhelp.com

By: Shad Connelly

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com


Home Based Business

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Singh Expands Cabinet with Seven New Ministers

">"> Singh Cabinet Expansion With Seven New MinistersManmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, has recorded seven new ministers take oath on Sunday as part of a major reshuffle.The seven new cabinet ministers include Jyotiraditya Scindia, the son of a former head of Party and Former Chief Election Commissioner MS Gill. The rest of the new ministers are Jitin Prasada, V Narayanasamy, Santosh Bagrodia, Rameshwar Oraon and Rashtriya Janta Dal MP Raghunath Jha.The seven new ministers were sworn in and secrecy administered by the President Pratibha Patil at Rashtrapati Bhavan.'s Prime Minister, Congress President Sonia Gandhi and a number of Cabinet ministers were also reported to be present at this important induction ceremony.The reshuffle was really a case of 'with the old, with the new "as existing Six ministers submitted their resignations prior to the appointment of Mr. Singh's new ministers. Politicians who resigned from the cabinet included Suresh Pachouri, Minister of Sta! te for Personnel, the Ministry MV Rajasekharan d 'State for Planning, Dasari Narayan Rao, Minister of State for Coal, T Subbarami Reddy of the Ministry of State for Mines, Manikrao Gavit the Ministry of State for Home Affairs, Akhilesh Das and the Ministry of State for Steel . Mr Singh's decision to undergo a major reshuffle was seen in response to accusations that he did not have enough young politicians in his cabinet. There is no doubt that Mr. Singh is also the hope that the changes it is carrying out to the organization of his party will help boost his popularity in the industry and to encourage voters to choose them at next year's federal election. After all, last year was bad for the Congress Party, as he has lost five of seven state polls. 2008 does not seem best for the party, which failed to gain power in three states earlier this year.Source: BBCBloombergPress AssociationBy: Aandaleeb SinghArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comAuthor:Aandaleeb Singh i! s from Northern India and enjoys writing in Hindi News.

By: Aandaleeb Singh

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Aandaleeb Singh is from North India and enjoys writing about Hindi News.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

No Heart at Wal-Mart: Congrats America For Fighting Corporate Greed

">"> No Heart at Wal-mart: Congrats Fighting For Corporate America GreedWe as individuals often feel powerless against American companies. Draws the big business plans, and the little guy was left to cope with the fallout. However, this week's the controversy over the Wal-Mart recovery adequate health care proves that the American people can still make a difference, if only they speak and use their voice. The story that follows is just one example of how the people of the United States intervene to save a family business when America and the courts do not.Wal-Mart, the giant retail company started by billionaire Sam Walton, there is nothing to stop its quest for profits. It pays its American workers an annual salary below the poverty line to keep its shelves stocked full of cheap Chinese products. uses Chinese manufacturers who employ (7) Chinese seven children per day just to save on the cost of hiring an American worker union at the time. It keeps import costs lower by pay! ing millions to lobbyists to block the reforms recommended by the 9 / 11 Commission, which enables increase inspections of containers arriving at ports of our nation. And if one of its "workers of the company uses health insurance benefits to pay medical expenses for an injury, Wal-Mart files a lawsuit against the worker to recover the medical benefits received by an employee even if the employee paid the insurance premium for the policy. wrong side of Wal-Mart became apparent to the family of the former employee of Wal-Mart Deborah Shank in the past few weeks. For many years, 52-year-old Deborah Shank earned the minimum wage storage shelves of Wal-Mart on the night while her husband and (3) three sons slept. In May 2000, a 18 -- - wheel semi-trailer belonging to a large company crashed in when she was at the wheel of his minivan. She suffered brain damage, lost most of his memory and the ability to communicate or walk . His family has hired a lawyer who sued the company se! mitrailers for causing his injuries. trucking company of the i! nsurer f ought the claim and a jury award would be limited to $ 700000 his pain, suffering and loss of the ability to walk and communicate. after attorney's fees and costs, $ 417477 has been placed in a trust to ensure Deborah daily needs resulting from his injuries catastrophic. Immediately after Deborah received her settlement, Wal-Mart has continued his family to recover medical expenses, which were paid by Wal-Mart's health insurance policy. as if the trial was not bad enough for the family Shank, Deborah one of the three (3) son was killed in Iraq while serving in the United States Army. Rather off and the support to enable the family to move forward with their lives and loss, Wal-Mart has been discouraged and continued its action against Deborah to recover the cost of care. While his own lawyer defended her against the prosecution, the family sank deeper into debt and Deborah became dependent on aid medical and social security for a lifetime of medical care. Out of desparation,! his trial, lawyers and friends fundraisers held to raise money for the family who is now in by.After struggle to survive an unfortunate turn of events, a federal judge appointed Bush was in favor of Wal-Mart. (Wal-Mart has chosen not to present its case before a jury of his peers Deborah) . With nowhere left to turn, the Shank family has been forced to pay Wal-Mart for the money that her health insurance for its warnings. Fortunately, just as Wal-Mart is attempting to recover money Deborah medical confidence, both CNN and NBC aired the story of Wal-Mart for his behaviour. public outrage was clear that bloggers and people took to the average of their computers and expressed their disgust at the 'business. Within a few days, Wal-Mart PR machine went to work. TV ads have been purchased and discussions were held Wal-Mart to justify its behavior. Wal-Mart announced that it would not seek reimbursement any new Deborah's family.First a trucking company and its "benign neglect tra! ctor-trailer took Deborah his mind and body broken. Secondly, ! Wal-Mart , which draws more than $ 10 billion each year, has tried to s 'seize the money a jury awarded him for his injuries. Fortunately, the story does not end there. Shank The family was helped by the "little man" - while average every day people who seek also to get by.'s lawyer took on a large trucking company while the American people and the media have taken on Wal-Mart for its greedy and selfish attempt to Deborah of regulation. The moral of this story is that American companies can be stopped if we all speak up and use our voice. We must all support our local media and trial lawyers that take risks and go against major industries with significant resources. Et while the former writing letters never goes out of style, get online and blog quicker and more efficient to get the message. Corporate America depends on us, the consumers, to keep them rich and powerful we buy their products and services. leaves So learn how to use it as leverage to raise for ourselves and our fellow ! citizens (such as the shank family) and intimidation against companies greed.Thanks indignation at media and the public, Wal-Mart has declined to pursue his quest for reimbursement of health care costs from a brain damaged former employee. It is time that we use this as an example and fight America.By ' Company: John R. Mininno, Esq.Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comAttorney John R. Mininno is a licensed New Jersey and Pennsylvania attorney who represents clients in medical malpractice and " Other serious injuries allegations. Offices are located in Collingswood, New Jersey and Philadelphia, PA. He also writes about the problems of patient safety and encourages patients to their own "patient advocate." For more information or sort of free evaluation, visit Mininno Medical Malpractice Law Office and injuries Site

By: John R. Mininno, Esq.!

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Attorney John R. Mininno is a licensed New Jersey and Pennsylvania attorney who represents clients in medical malpractice and other serious injury claims. His offices are in Collingswood, NJ and Philadelphia, PA. He also writes on patient safety issues and encourages patients to be their own "patient advocate." For further information or a free case evaluation, visit the Mininno Law Office Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Website

Small Business

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

U.S. News & World Report Magazine

">"> Us News & World Report MagazineU.S.News & World Report is one of the best news magazines in the United States. This is a weekly news magazine published by USNews & World Report. LP F. Kerry Dyer is the current editor of the magazine. Previously, the magazine has been appointed as in the United States but after its merger with New World Report, it became weekly USNews & World Report.The magazine is one of the most popular American news magazines at the same time as its two main rivals, Time Magazine and Newsweek. Avg Circulation of the magazine is about 2028000 copies each week. The magazine is known for its annual ranking of the best schools' America, better schools, better hospitals, better cars and trucks. college's annual ranking is considered one of the best examination of the colleges and universities in the United States. Even students and parents find this review helpful in decision-making at the time of admission. All reports generated by USNews & World Report i! s based on an extensive review of the nomination in this category, the classification is determined by the performance of various parameters. The Best Colleges list one of the main resources used when parents are choosing a university for their children magazine covers virtually all of the section from the world of new policies as well as the United States, current affairs, money and business, health and medicine, culture and ideas, science and technology as well as a section devoted to photos and videos. regular features and columns are another attraction of this magazine. online edition this magazine began in 1995 and quickly became one of the most visited in the news website States.Due Nations to all those attributes said USNews & World Report is part of the daily lives of a huge quantity of information American lover. weekly subscriber base explains the history of his popularity. future subscriber potential of this magazine is still increasing.If you also want to be a s! ubscriber of the magazine known a coup Quick cheap discounted ! USNews & World Report Magazine subscription offer by Land. Land Magazine is the magazine serving ardent lovers around the world for a long time, with its low prices people are liking subscription offered by this website. By: MagazinelandArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comFor more information, visit: www.magazineland. Com

By: Magazineland

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

For more information, visit: www.magazineland.com


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Alan Keyes Presidential Bid

">"> Alan Keyes Presidential BidI have read some of the most disturbing facts about John McCain detailing his support for gay marriage. I have had concerns about his position very weak on illegal immigration. As such I have to at least seriously consider the third party presidential bid of former Ambassador Alan Keys.Consider that the three candidates from the current president to support gay marriage and the two Democrats (Clinton and Obama), it is strongly pro - abortion. This is a real dilemma for Christian voters who believe that the scripture is the inspired word of God. Ambassador Alan Keys, a distinguished scholar, Christians now offers a real opportunity to elect our first black president without selling our Christian values. I urge everyone to make this great African-American candidate, a true American patriot, a brilliant man, and a committed Christian who remains true to his faith an opportunity to be our next president. Listen to his wisdom and give serious consi! deration.In Alan Keyes can actually have someone who is worthy and deserving of being a Christian voice, someone who will not force us to abandon the principles of our Christian faith, when we belonged to the vote.My loyalty My country, my family and my Christian convictions, not the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. order to support the candidacy of John McCain seems increasingly as a betrayal of these values. vote for Senator Clinton or Obama absolutely betray those values.Alan Keyes has already made it clear that the Republican Party base is not worthy of his time and energy longer. Therefore, I am at least considering supporting his candidacy third. It goes is the designation of the Constitution has always growing. It is a party with the system Christan values. It is by no means extreme in his conservative philosophy. The Constitution Party has no problem in approving the African-American gentleman like Alan Keyes to their choice for the presidency of the Untied! States.I can hear some of you that you call "Republican" grow! ls alrea dy ... You may be saying that he has not a chance to win and further ensure the likelihood of a Democratic victory. If so, so be it. At least I can sleep at night. one day I will have to stand before my maker when He asks you if I always did what I knew to be right. In my view that is not only important, it is vital to salvation.I can no longer apply a principle of the utility in elections allowing elites in Washington or elsewhere to dangle carrots in front of my face with the promises that are never kept. Can not vote for Bush, Dole, a Ford, or Nixon that will keep me calm with rhetoric to get my vote, and then laugh at me when we share ways. I can not vote for the Democrats morally repugnant that never saw a sin that they would not embrace, the moral perversion not to report as normal, or embrace the killing of innocent people and the poorest among us, the unborn child - and call it legitimate "choice." Sometimes, the parties must realign and redefine themselves same. Pol! itics is not a team sport ... it is spiritual and intellectual combat. I have not been disloyal to the two major political parties, they have both been disloyal to me and person ' other embracing Christianity and common decency.The "collective will" speech John McCain is a betrayal of conservatives. Me too, I believe in the unity compromised. I am also a blatant and unashamed flag waving patriot and combat veteran. I also want to bring our country together. But I refuse to desert my God and Christian morality and fabric that defines me as a person in the house. Should we abandon our principles Christians to elect one of these candidates with the exception of Alan Keyes, which could be the beginning of the end of our country. It could very well mean we have always defended damnation.I if convicted. Surely some will think that this is a bad policy move, but I have little doubt that the Christian right move. U.S. policy is greater than any person I can be at ease with this dec! ision.I met Alan Keys, once again listen and speak at a conven! tion in San Antonio. It was riveting, exciting, motivate and inspire fear. whom I admire. I urge others to check him. Je think they will be happy if do.By: Ed CoetArticle Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comAuthor/Poet Biographical information: Ed Coet is an army officer retired U.S. professional and educator. He aninternationally widely published freelance writer and poet. Ed has published numerous articles on various subjects. Her stories have been published in Bewildering Stories, Tales Scribal, Muscadine Lines - A Southern Journal, and Scars Publications. His poems were published in Purple Dream Ezine, Solder Works Magazine, Children, Churches & Daddies Magazine, a publication Scars, Steller Showcase Journal, Journal Both Sides Now, Because We Write Magazine, Lost Beat Poetry Journal, Cynic Magazine, Fullosia Press, Blue Fog Journal poetry, poetic diversity magazine , the Huffington Post, Raven Publishing, Inc. Muscadine Lines, A Southern Journal, rose mouse pub Poetry Jou! rnal, Osprey newspaper, poetry cemetery, Hudson Valley poetry and Masque Publishing Digest - Decanto Magazine. Ed Coet anthology of the poetry of the following items: Namaste Fiji - The International Anthology of Poetry Book "Breaking Silences" Poetry Book Collection 2007, the scars Poetry Book Collection - On The Poets and Poetry Digest Book "A Hudson View International Collection - Winter 2008." ; Visit with Ed Coet to "blog" Coet thecoet.blogspot.com.

By: Ed Coet

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Author/Poet Biographical Sketch: Ed Coet is a retired US Army officer and professional educator. He is a widely published freelance writer and aninternationally recognized poet. Ed has had numerous articles publishe! d on a variety of topics. His short stories were published in ! Bewilder ing Stories, Scribal Tales, Muscadine Lines – A Southern Journal, and Scars Publications. His poems have been published in Purple Dream Ezine, Solder Works Magazine, Children, Churches & Daddies Magazine, Scars Publication, Steller Showcase Journal, Both Sides Now Journal, Because We Write Magazine, Lost Beat Poetry Journal, Cynic Magazine, Fullosia Press, Blue Fog Poetry Journal, Poetic Diversity Magazine,The Huffington Post, Raven Publishing, Inc., Muscadine Lines, A Southern Journal, Pink Mouse Pub Poetry Journal, Osprey Journal, Poetry Cemetery, Hudson Valley Poetry Digest, and Masque Publishing – Decanto Magazine. Ed Coet's poetry anthology credits include: Namaste Fiji – The International Anthology of Poetry Book, The "Breaking Silences" Poetry Book Collection, the 2007 Scars Poetry Collection Book - We The Poet's, and the Poetry Digest Book "A Hudson View International Collection - Winter 2008." Visit with Ed Coet at "The Coet Blog" at thecoet.blogspot.com/.

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